Courses for all.

Experience not needed (and you’re possibly better off without!)

The classes I teach all hinge on two main concepts: Improvisation and You as Material.


Press Play for a sample of Performance Poetry class

You as Material


I see each student as a unique individual. I do not ask you to learn a specific style and copy it. Rather, I ask you to work in a way that is true to how you would already express yourself, and then build and experiment from there. The aim is NOT to make you a blank canvas but to empower the parts of you that want to reveal themselves.

In my classes you will be improvising, making up work on the spot, sharing it with your co-students, perhaps even performing it for them. But I am improvising too in the sense that I have my plan, but also deviate when I feel we are going somewhere interesting together. This keeps the classes alive and fresh, as opposed to scripted.

The Classes

Performance Poetry

Learn the basics of poetic technique, practice your writing skills, recite to others and receive feedback from a group of peers and me, learn how to freestyle poetry on the spot, learn how to enhance your words with a physical performance.

Creative Impulse Group

I am your guide. I take you through a series of various artistic impulses that are all connected to each other. By the end you will find yourself doing something that you wouldn’t have dreamed possible before! According to my participants, having fun in the process of creating is so much more important than the end result.

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“Margo manages to create a safe space where newbies like me don’t feel incompetent or scared of treading in her tracks. It leaves a big smile on your face and a lot of positive energy for creating more! Make the jump, she’ll catch you!”

— Veronique Moore, attendee of Performance Poetry

“Margo is a kind and intuitive guide on your creative journey, bringing in her knowledge and experience for your benefit. I highly recommend exploring your creativity with her!”

— Stephanie Hild, attendee of Creative Impulse Group

Upcoming Classes.

Here is what’s on offer at the moment. All my ongoing classes are on a drop-in basis, you need not attend every week.

Wanna try one out? Get in touch!


Where it all happens.

I am the ‘creativity curator’ of the Marmalade, a studio I own and run since 2020. Anyone based in Amsterdam will recognise it’s iconic wall, featuring the ‘Super Nurse’ graffiti. She’s a great gateway to this creative space, housed inside an old ship’s ramp in the NDSM area.

I want you to feel at home and provoked to play at the same time!

Of course, these days, we are not aways able to meet each other in person, therefore I currently run my classes online as well.